Departments on the Edge

Learn about the possible roles of and concerns due to the departments on edge in agile development.

There are some departments for which changing to an agile process should be of no concern. However, we may occasionally need to discuss and clarify some issues with them. The general principle at work in agile processes also holds true for these departments as well: it is always best to invite them early on. By doing so, we reduce the risk of unnecessary misunderstandings turning into obstacles to the project’s progress. Moreover, the better informed they are, the more likely it is that they will support our effort.

Human resources

There are only two situations in which some issues with human resources might pop up:

  • The first is if team members are unhappy with the way the project is managed and complain to human resources (HR) about it. Hopefully, if this happens, HR will get in touch with the managers and inform them about the complaints. The best solution is to talk with these team members (and eventually with somebody from HR) and ask them to formulate their specific concerns. If they are able to raise their issues concretely it is much easier to invite them to suggest how to resolve those issues.