

Techniques and Good Practices: Refactoring

Techniques and Good Practices: Refactoring

Learn about good practices in refactoring and supporting tools.


Typically, if a system grows over time, its design tends to get messier and messier at the same time. This can be worse on a large team because the more people that are involved with building a system, the harder it is to keep it clean. However, if everybody on the team refactors continuously, there is a chance that the design will stay clean and easy to understand.

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Why isn’t refactoring common?

Refactoring does not seem to be a common habit in (large) teams because:

  • A lot of people still believe it will slow them down.
  • Sometimes there is no refactoring tool support for the particular project available, which makes it much more difficult than it should be.
  • The developers often fear being blamed for not developing any new functionality