People: Responsibility
Get an overview of how we distribute the responsibility in a large team.
Because of departmental organization, people in large companies are often not used to having complete responsibility for any particular task. There is almost always somebody higher up the hierarchy with ultimate responsibility for the task. This is especially true for developers. They often consider themselves the ones who only do whatever somebody else tells them. When someone makes them responsible for a specific task, developers may feel uncertain because they are not used to having responsibility.
Responsibility in agile
Agile processes require that everybody be responsible for their task and for the effects that task might have on the whole project. In addition to those tasks, there is also shared responsibility for the ultimate performance of the entire system, project, and even the process that will lead to the development. Therefore, each team member is responsible for every task, even those assigned to other team members.
Collective ownership in Extreme Programming
Extreme Programming ...