Permutation Widget
Evaluate learners with a "fill in the blank"/"correct the order" type questions using the Permutation widget.
The Permutation widget helps develop highly interactive and creative questions to test learners' concepts, especially in text-heavy courses. It provides the functionality to drag and drop the correct choice (card) at the right place. You can create two types of questions from it:
Sequence type questions
Missing cards questions
Edit mode
Up to 20 choices/cards can be added. On each card, you can add the following:
Text & mathematical symbols (LaTeX support is provided)
Combination of the above two
Learners can view the solution or submit their answers via the given checkboxes.
Published mode
Here’s a basic view of what is visible at the learner’s end.
Learners can arrange/submit cards before submitting them for evaluation via the "Submit" button.
Sequence problem
Consider evaluating learners regarding the following problem: Arrange the given C operators in the order of their precedence, where the leftmost card should have the highest precedence.
Please follow the animation below to understand how to create a sequence-type question with the permutation widget.
Try arranging the cards below to see how this widget will work for the above animation.
Note that a card with a dotted-line border around it can be dragged & dropped to any position.
Consider the following equation:
Now you see, we have 2 cards with the number
Solution: Link the card to a position
We know that our card in the first position is the same as the third card. Let's link the third card to the first one.
Linking the card solves the problem. It indicates that the first and third cards can share each other positions. Below is the implementation of this sequence.
Missing card problem
Consider evaluating learners regarding the equivalence of this equation:
We can ask learners to fill in the missing operators using the permutation widget by giving them a pool of cards to drag & drop. Below is an animation of the permutation widget for you to understand the missing card problem.
Did you notice a problem? Why would we want learners to know the choices as:
Solution: Link Card to a Position
We know that our card in the 7th position is the same as the 3rd card (content-wise). Let's link the 7th card to our 3rd card and notice the change.
You may have noticed that a card from the bottom pane is gone; there are only 2 cards shown to learners now. But isn't that a problem? We need a total of 3 unlocked cards for learners. Let's try using the 'Quantity' option.
We set the quantity for both cards to 3. This leaves no room for hint for learners that which card occurs how many times in our solution.
You can try the widget below for the above animation. Drag & drop the cards into the blank spaces and submit your solution.