Home Page of Your Course

Every course has a landing page. It is the first point of contact with a learner. The home page of every course has some components that help us to better market your course.

What does the landing page look like?

Go to the Explore section and open any course. You will lead to its landing page. This page contains the following information: course title, level, overview (summary), and takeaway skills.

Press + to interact
Focal point of your course
Focal point of your course

That’s not it. The complete outline of your course is also displayed on the home page. The TOC is divided into categories (chapters). Categories are not clickable, but you can expand them further. Clicking on any lesson within a category will take you to a new page with its content in it.

Press + to interact
Keep scrolling to view complete outline
Keep scrolling to view complete outline

How to set an impression of my paid course

Educative courses are based on the subscription model. A non-subscribed customer can not see paid content. So, how does Educative make learners buy a subscription if they can’t see content? The answer is by setting preview (free) lessons.

Special attention:

Not every lesson in a course is required for completion. In other words, it's okay to skip reading some lessons as they don't add any learning value. You can mark such lessons as 'not-required'.