Discuss at Educative
The Discuss is a community platform where learners ask questions and can have discussions among themselves.
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Discuss helps authors to increase their visibility in the user community. As an author, you can participate in the discussions and answer any questions about your course.
How to open my course on Discuss
On Discuss, all courses are arranged as tags. The tag of your course will be sent to you in your course’s launch email. You can also find it through the search bar. Suppose that the name of your course is “Learn Python 3 from Scratch”. The tag for this course will be:
So, the Discuss URL for this course will be:
Here is the Discuss page for the course mentioned above.
How to receive notifications for my course
We recommend subscribing to your course at Discuss to receive notifications. In this case, whenever a learner posts a comment, you will receive an email.
To subscribe, go to its Discuss page and click the bell icon.
How to answer a question
When a learner asks a question on Discuss, you will receive a notification via email if subscribed. Open the link to the question thread. Click the “Reply” button. A text window will pop up where you can enter your response. It will look something like this: