Columns Widget

Arranging data in columns is a common use case in writing. You can arrange differences b/w entities or a lengthy list in columns. The ‘Columns widget’ splits the content into columns.

The Columns widget displays two views side by side. You can choose between the following:

  1. Markdown and Markdown

  2. Markdown and Drawing

  3. Drawing and Markdown

  4. Drawing and Drawing

This is what it looks like:

What do I need to know?

  • The option of the Markdown/Drawing widget is available for both “Widget 1” and “Widget 2”.

  • You can adjust the widths of both columns according to your preference. The combined width of the two will always be 100 %; however, you can change the space ratio taken by both widgets.

  • The “Flip Columns” button allows swapping. So, widget 1 will switch to the right, and widget 2 will switch to the left.

Here's a complete guide on how to use the Drawing wigdet.


Below is an example of Markdown-Markdown format.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • C++
  • Python
  • Java

Below is an example of Markdown-Drawing format.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • C++
  • Python
  • Java