Mark-Map Widget
Markmap is a combination of Markdown and mindmap. It parses Markdown content, extracts its intrinsic hierarchical structure, and renders an interactive mindmap, aka ‘markmap’. You can use the ‘Mark-Map widget’ to visualize your MD documents as mindmaps.
We'll cover the following...
This is what it looks like:
Press + to interact
You can edit the MD in the text window to visualize your markmap however you see fit.
Learners won’t see the code; the diagram will be rendered directly.
You can adjust the width and height as per the requirement.
Press + to interact
# markmap## Links- <>- [GitHub]( Related Projects- [coc-markmap]( [gatsby-remark-markmap]( Features- links- **strong** ~~del~~ *italic* ==highlight==- multilinetext- `inline code`-```jsconsole.log('code block');```- Katex- $x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}$- [More Katex Examples](#? Now we can wrap very very very very long text based on `maxWidth` option
The above MD text will render the following diagram.