

Markdown Widget

Markdown Widget

Markdown format is a widely used text format around the web as it is easy and simple. Apart from the editor, you can use the 'Markdown widget' to add text in MD format.

This is what it looks like:

What do I need to know?

  • You can add text in the left-hand side window. It will be displayed as the MD formatted text in the right-hand side window. The “Hide preview” button hides the “Preview” section of Markdown and only shows the writing section.

  • You can upload an image using the button shown above. A link gets added at the cursor position, and the image is rendered automatically. Also, as mentioned earlier, file links (including images) can be generated using the “Course Assets” option. You can also use those links in the Markdown widget.

  • You can add a table or upload a CSV file using the button shown in the image above.

  • You can add a hyperlink. To create a hyperlink, put the clickable text in square brackets, [ ], and the URL in parentheses ( ).

  • You can apply inline code formatting by enclosing text in backticks (``). For example, a variable x used in your code would be written like this when enclosed inside backticks in markdown: Variable x is declared.

  • You can write inline LaTex expressions by inserting them within dollar signs as follows: $<expression>$.

  • You can also write block LaTex equations by inserting them within double dollar signs as follows: $$<expression>$$.

  • You can add a block quote to add notes for readers by typing text next to >. This is what it looks like:

    Note: This is a block quote.

Can I link a lesson to another lesson?

If you want learners to jump to another lesson in a course, follow the steps below:

  • Update the course from the collection editor page. This will show you the published view of the course.

  • Go to the desired lesson and copy the URL.

If you want to link a particular heading, follow the above steps. Next, in the TOC, click the heading you want to link to. Notice that a hashtag and the name of the heading get appended to the URL as follows:


You can add this hyperlink anywhere in the course.

Cheat sheet




**Bold** or __Bold__


*Italic* or _Italic_







[Clickable text](URL)

Ordered list

  1. Item no. 1

  2. Item no. 2

Unordered list

- Item no. 1

- Item no. 2

Term: DefinitionHeading

# Heading

Block quote

> This is a block quote.

Code snippet in a specific language


int x=5;


KeywordTerm: Definition

#key# Keyword: Meaning #key#

To view the MD formatting syntaxes, you can always refer to the help icon.