HomeCoursesWeb Application Security for the Everyday Software Engineer



Web Application Security for the Everyday Software Engineer
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Gain insights into enforcing web app security best practices, such as HTTPS, defending against XSS and clickjacking, managing HTTP cookies, and warding off DDoS attacks.
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Course Overview

There are more vulnerabilities than ever when creating applications for the web, so it is extremely important that software developers enforce security best practices such as, how to add protection through HTTP headers. In this course, you will start off by learning how to prevent fraudulent SSL certificates from being served to clients, before moving on to how to defend against XSS attacks and clickjacking. In the latter half of the course, you’ll learn security practices related to HTTP cookies, and ti...Show More
There are more vulnerabilities than ever when creating applications for the web, so it is extremely important that software deve...Show More

Course Content



4 Lessons

Get familiar with essential web app security practices, audience focus, formatting, and future content.


Understanding The Browser

5 Lessons

Look at browser mechanics to understand functionality, security, and development tools.



7 Lessons

Break apart HTTP's mechanisms, security enhancements, and essential distinctions for secure communication.


DDoS Attacks

7 Lessons

Build on understanding DDoS attacks, their mechanics, real-world examples, and mitigation strategies.


Bug Bounty Programs

7 Lessons

Learn how to use bug bounty programs to enhance software security through ethical collaboration.



3 Lessons

Get started with viewing security as an ongoing journey, future-proofing updates, and community appreciation.
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