HomeCoursesFrom Python to Numpy



From Python to Numpy
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Gain insights into utilizing NumPy for data manipulation and analytics. Learn about implementing concepts in both Python and NumPy through coding challenges and quizzes.
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Course Overview

If you're looking to grow your career in machine learning or data science in this day and age, adding a powerful library to your skill set is an important place to start. In that vein, Python has become one of the most widely used tools in the industry for serious data analytics, and NumPy is probably the most widely used data analytics library. With NumPy, you can manipulate data involving multi-dimensional arrays and matrices (think linear algebra). Join us as we venture into the vast world of NumPy in t...Show More
If you're looking to grow your career in machine learning or data science in this day and age, adding a powerful library to your...Show More

Course Content



7 Lessons

Get familiar with NumPy fundamentals, including array creation, reshaping, indexing, and vectorization.


Anatomy of an Array

5 Lessons

Look at the foundational elements of NumPy arrays, memory layout, views, copies, and optimization.


Custom Vectorization

5 Lessons

Dig into custom vectorization techniques using Typed Lists and memory-aware NumPy arrays.


Beyond NumPy

4 Lessons

Implement optimized Python techniques and explore advanced libraries beyond NumPy for enhanced performance.



2 Lessons

Master the steps to effectively leverage NumPy for creative and efficient problem-solving.
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