

Challenge: Anonymous Functions

Challenge: Anonymous Functions

Test yourself and implement what you have learned so far in this challenge.

Problem Statement

You need to create two functions printAdd and printSubtract. printAdd adds two integers and prints the result. printSubtract subtracts two integers and also prints the result.

The catch is that to write the function body of both printAdd and printSubtract you can only use the arithmeticPrinter function you made in the previous challenge.

To complete the challenge below, you will need to use anonymous functions.


The input is two integers, x and y.


The output will be the result of either printAdd or printSubtract which are passes x and y as arguments.

Sample Input

printAdd, 75, 10

Sample Output


Test Yourself

Write your code in the given area. Try the exercise by yourself first, but if you get stuck, the solution has been provided. Good luck!

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def arithmeticPrinter(f: (Int,Int) => Int, x: Int, y: Int) = {
def printAdd(x: Int, y: Int) = {
// Write your code here
def printSubtract(x:Int, y: Int) = {
// Write your code here

Let’s go over the solution review in the next lesson.