

Singleton Objects: Companion

Singleton Objects: Companion

In this lesson, you will be introduced to singleton objects and learn how to write a singleton companion object.

We'll cover the following...

A singleton object is defined the same way a class is defined with the difference that instead of the class keyword, we use the object keyword.

Unlike a class, which can be instantiated multiple times, a singleton object only has a single instance. This is why we cannot use new to create an instance of a singleton object.

There are two types of singleton objects:

  1. Companion Objects
  2. Standalone Objects

Companion Objects

A singleton object which has the same name as a class is known as the companion object of that class and the class is known as the companion class. Companion objects and classes can access each other’s private members.

Let’s define a companion object of the ChecksumAccumulator class defined in the previous lesson.

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import scala.collection.mutable
class ChecksumAccumulator {
private var sum = 0
def add(b: Byte) = sum += b
def checksum() = ~(sum & 0xFF) + 1
//companion object of ChecksumAccumulator
object ChecksumAccumulator {
private val cache = mutable.Map.empty[String, Int]
def calculate(s: String): Int =
if (cache.contains(s))
else {
val acc = new ChecksumAccumulator
for (c <- s)
val cs = acc.checksum()
cache += (s -> cs)
// Driver Code
val result = ChecksumAccumulator.calculate("hello")

The ChecksumAccumulator singleton object has one property, named cache. cache is a Map collection in which a single element consists of a key-value pair. The key in our case is the string whose checksum we want to calculate, and the value will be the corresponding checksum value. Initially, cache is empty.

The ChecksumAccumulator singleton object also has one method, named calculate, which takes a string and calculates a checksum for the characters in the string. It also has one private field, cache, that is a mutable map in which previously calculated checksums are stored. The strings are stored as keys and the checksum of those strings are stored as values.

The first line of the method, if (cache.contains(s)), checks to see if the passed string already exists as a key in cache. If so, it just returns the value mapped to that specific key, cache(s). Otherwise, it executes the else expression.

The else expression starts off by creating an instance of the ChecksumAccumulator class. It then takes the passed string and runs for on it. for, one-by-one, stores each character into c and converts it into its binary form using toByte and adds the bytes together using the add method of the ChecksumAccumulator class. The checksum method is called on the final sum which calculates the checksum. Finally, cache += (s -> cs) stores the passed string and its corresponding checksum in cache and the checksum cs is returned.

The important thing to notice is here is how the singleton object is accessing the members of its companion class.

In the next lesson, we will define a standalone object which will help us