

String Interpolation with 'f'

String Interpolation with 'f'

In the following lesson, you will be introduced to the 'f' string interpolator.

Remember when we discussed the printf method when learning how to print? printf is actually a Java method which is recognized by Scala. However, it is unconventional to use printf in Scala as it has its own, arguably better, printf.

The f String Interpolator

The f string interpolator is Scala’s printf. For string interpolation with f, we prepend an f to any string literal. This allows us to create formatted strings. When using the f interpolator, all references to variables and expressions should be followed by a printf-style format string, like %f.

Let’s look at an example:

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val pi = 3.14159F
println(f"the value of pi is $pi%.2f")

In the code above, f"the value of pi is $pi%.2f" is a processed string literal. The f prepended before the string is letting the compiler know that the string should be processed using the f interpolator. pi is our variable identifier and %.2f is our format specifier and is formatting the string by telling the compiler to only print the floating-point number pi up to two decimal places.

Try replacing the 22 in %.2f with 33 or 44 and see how the output changes.


printf-Style Formatting

Before we look at more examples of string interpolation in Scala, let’s take a step back and look into Java’s printf method. While we need not concern ourselves with the details of how printf works, it is important for us to look at format specifiers and how to use them.

First, we look at the syntax of the format specifier in detail.



Flags are general modifiers and are mostly used to format integers and floating-point numbers. Below is a list of flags and what they are used for.

Flag Use
- left justify
+ Add a + sign
0 Add padded zeros
, Add a local-specific grouping separator


The width specifies the minimum length of the output. For example, if we say %10d, we mean that the output of the integer should be a minimum of 10 characters. To fulfill our requirement, the compiler will insert spaces before our argument until it is 1010 characters long, pushing the argument further right.

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val testWidth = 123
println(f"Without specifying the width, we get $testWidth")
println(f"With specifying the width, we get $testWidth%10d")


Precision can only be used on floating-point numbers and simply tells you how many places after the decimal point do you want to output. Just like in the first example of this lesson, by mentioning the precision %.2f, we told the compiler to only print up to two decimal places of our floating-point number.


Finally, we come to the most important part of a format specifier and the only requirement (flag, width, and precision are optional); conversion characters.

Conversion-characters do the actual formatting and determine how the argument is to be formatted. While the list is long, for the scope of this course, we will look at some common ones.

Character Use
s formats strings
d formats decimal integers
f formats floating-point numbers
t formats date/time values

Now that we have finally gone over the syntax, let’s combine what we have learned and look at some examples.

At this point, if you are still not clear how to use the f String interpolator, the coming examples will go in great detail to clarify any confusion.

Learn by Example

  1. In the first example, we will use the flag , which will automatically insert separators where ever required in our integer. Since we will be formatting an integer, the conversion-character of choice would be d.
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val insertSeparator = 1000000
println(f"Without Formatting: $insertSeparator")
println(f"With Formatting: $insertSeparator%,d")
  1. In our second example, we will use the flag 0 to insert zeros before the argument. We will also use precision to let the compiler know to which decimal place we would like our output to be printed; in this case: three decimal places. The 0 flag works simultaneously with width. As discussed above, when we specify a width, the compiler fills the required length with empty characters. When we combine the 0 flag with width, the compiler now fills the required length with zeros.

Let’s choose a width of ten and since we are working with floating-points (due to precision), the conversion-character of choice would be f.

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val insertZeros = 1.23456F
println(f"Without Formatting: $insertZeros")
println(f"With Formatting: $insertZeros%010.3f")
  1. Our third and final example will be looking at the - flag. Like 0, - also works simultaneously with width. While width on its own, pushes the argument to the right, with -, width pushes the argument to the left. Let’s see it in action to get a better idea about how it works.
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val leftJustify = 12345
println(f"Without Formatting: $leftJustify is the output")
println(f"With Width: $leftJustify%10d is the output")
println(f"With Flag: $leftJustify%-10d is the output")

And with the last example, our discussion on the f interpolator comes to an end. Feel free to challenge yourself and play around with the code snippets.

In the next lesson, you will be challenged to format a string.