

Variables in Scala

Variables in Scala

In the following lesson, you will be introduced to variables and how they are declared in Scala.


Imagine you have multiple boxes and in each box, you can store one item. Before you can store anything, you need to decide what type of item can be stored in each box. But now you have so many boxes, you don’t remember what is in each one. You decide to give each box a unique label. This will help you keep track of what each one contains. The labels act as identifiers, giving each box a unique identity.

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In the same way, a variable is a small box used to store data. When we assign a value to a variable, we are basically putting something in a box. When you declare a variable, you give it a unique name or identifier, define the type of data it can store, and set its initial value. While most programming languages have a similar way of declaring variables, Scala is a little different.

Declaring a Variable

Let’s look at the syntax of how to declare a variable in Scala.

Now, let’s map the syntax to actual code in Scala.

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val myFirstScalaVariable: Int = 5

In the code above, we are declaring a variable with the name myFirstScalaVariable. myFirstScalaVariable can store data of type Int and is assigned an initial value of 55. It is an immutable variable because we chose the keyword val.

As stated above, when declaring a variable, we need to define its type of data and set an initial value. However, in Scala, we also need to define the type of variable by mentioning a keyword.

But what are keywords and how do we choose the right one for our variable?

Choosing the Right Keyword

For this chapter, we are only going to concern ourselves with two keywords: val and var.

  • Variables of type val are immutable variables; once they are initialized, they can never be reassigned.
  • Variables of type var are mutable variables; they can be reassigned throughout their lifetime as long as they are valid.

We will discuss immutable and mutable variables in greater detail in the coming lessons.

Multiple Variables

In large programs, we can have a great number of variables. It becomes difficult to remember what each variable stores, hence, when choosing a name for your variable, make sure it makes sense so that later on when you read the name again, you will know what the variable stores and why you declared it in the first place.

Let’s look at an example where we need to store data about a book:

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val bookTitle: String = "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"
val bookAuthor: String = "J. R. R. Tolkien"
val bookNoOfPages: Int = 423

In the code above, we are declaring three variables:

  • The first variable is named bookTitle and is of type String. It is assigned an initial value of “Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring” and stores the title of the book.

  • The second variable is named bookAuthor and is of type String. It is assigned an initial value of “J. R. R. Tolkien” and stores the name of the author of the book.

  • The third variable is named bookNoOfPages and is of type Int. It is assigned an initial value of 423 and stores the number of pages in a book.

All the variables are immutable variables because we mention the keyword val before each identifier. We can easily deduce what data each variable stores because of how we chose to name them.

Before we move on to immutable and mutable variables, let’s learn how to use Scala’s print statement in the next lesson.