

Challenge: Color Wheel

Challenge: Color Wheel

Test yourself and implement what you have learned so far in this challenge.

Problem Statement

You have to match all the primary colors to their complementary secondary colors. The matching is as follows:

Primary Secondary
blue orange
yellow purple
red green
svg viewer


The input will be the variable testVariable which stores the primary color in the form of a String.

testVariable has already been declared for you.


For the output, print the complementary secondary color of the primary color stored in testVariable. If the input is anything but a primary color, the output should be "not a primary color".

Sample Input


Sample Output


Test Yourself

Write your code in the given area. Try the exercise by yourself first, but if you get stuck, the solution has been provided. Good luck!

Press + to interact
//Write your code here

Let’s go over the solution review in the next lesson.