

Solution Review: Type Casting

Solution Review: Type Casting

In the following lesson, we will go over the solution of the challenge: Type Casting.

We'll cover the following...


In this challenge, you were provided with a variable that was previously defined to have a data type Float and you were asked to type cast it to a Double.


Let’s look at how we should go about this.

  • The first thing is deciding the variable name, which you were told to keep as newType.

  • As type casting is from Float to Double when defining newType specify the data type as Double.

  • The last step is simply assigning newType the value of oldType.

val newType: Double = oldType

You can find the complete solution below:

You were required to write the code on line 2.

Press + to interact
val oldType: Float = 45
val newType: Double = oldType
// Driver Code

This brings our discussion on basic data types to an end. In the next lesson, we will move on to strings.