

Solution Review: Using Multiple Operators

Solution Review: Using Multiple Operators

In the following lesson, we will go over the solution of the challenge: Using Multiple Operators.

We'll cover the following...


In this challenge, you were provided with a variable that stored a number and you were asked to check if the number lies between 8 and 75, inclusive of 8.

In other words, check >= 8 and check < 75.


Let’s look at how we should go about this.

  • The first thing was to make sure check was less than 75.
check < 75
  • Next, we had to make sure that check was also greater than or equal to 8.
check >= 8
  • The last step is simply combining both conditions using the && operator.
check < 75 && check >= 8

You can find the complete solution below:

You were required to write the code on line 2.

Press + to interact
val check = 33
val compareCheck = check < 75 && check >= 8
// Driver Code

compareCheck is comparing if the value stored in check is less than 75 using the relational operator<. It is also comparing if the value stored in check is greater than or equal to 8 using another relational operator >=.

Finally, if a number lies between 8 and 75 both comparisons should be true. For this, we use the logical operator && which only returns true if both its left and right operand are true. Here, check < 75 is the left operand and check >= 8 is the right operand.

The objective of this exercise was to learn how to use several different types of operators in the same expression.

Let’s wrap up the discussion with operator precedence in the next lesson.