Data Types
In the following lesson, you will be introduced to Scala's type hierarchy.
We'll cover the following...
In Scala, every value has a type and each type is part of a type hierarchy. In a type hierarchy, the more generic types are at the top and as you go lower in the hierarchy, the types get more specific, i.e., have more requirements. Each type has a requirement of its own along with the requirements of all the types above it in the hierarchy.
Scala Type Hierarchy
At the top of the type hierarchy in Scala, we have type Any
. It is the super-type and defines certain universal methods such as equals
, hashCode
, and toString
has two subclasses, namely AnyVal
and AnyRef
. AnyVal
represents value types. There are nine main value types supported in Scala:
- Double
- Float
- Long
- Int
- Short
- Byte
- Char
- Unit
- Boolean
represents reference types. Any type that is not a value type is a reference type, including types defined by users not predefined in Scala.
Value Type vs. Reference Type
To remain in the scope of this course, we won’t be getting into the nitty-gritty of the difference between value types and reference types. All you need to know is that for a value type, the information it provides is the value itself. For a reference type, the information it provides is a reference to some object, i.e., the memory address of an object. To make this clearer, let’s look at this using physical objects.
Imagine you have a piece of paper. You want the paper to hold some information, such as your name. You can write your name on the piece of paper; therefore the value of the paper is the same as the information it provides. This is an example of value type. If someone wants to know your name, all they have to do is read the paper.
Now imagine, you want the paper to hold your house. That’s not physically possible, so you write the address to your house, hence the value of the paper is a reference to the required information. This is an example of reference type. If someone wants to go to your house, they will first have to read the directions to your house.
In the same way, a reference type holds the memory address location of the value, while value types hold the value themselves.
The focus of this chapter is value types.
in Action
Let’s look at an example to better understand what it means to be at the top of the type hierarchy.
In the example below, we have a variable anyInAction
which is of type Any
. We can assign anyInAction
a value of any type.
var anyInAction: Any = "A String" //Stringprintln(anyInAction)anyInAction = 5 //Intprintln(anyInAction)anyInAction = '☺' //Charprintln(anyInAction)anyInAction = 1.985 //Floatprintln(anyInAction)anyInAction = true //Booleanprintln(anyInAction)
The code snippet above assigns five different types of values to anyInAction
and prints the value after each new assignment.
Using Value Types
In the previous lessons, we discussed the syntax for declaring variables. Let’s use what we have learned to declare variables of different types. Remember, in Scala, the first letter of the data type is capitalized.
val myDoubleVariable: Double = 2.75val myFloatVariable: Float = 2.75fval myLongVariable: Long = 275000000000Lval myIntVariable: Int = 275val myShortVariable: Short = 1val myByteVariable: Byte = 0xaval myCharVariable: Char = '☺'val myUnitVariable: Unit = ()val myBooleanVariable: Boolean = true
To print any of the variables declared in the code above, simply use the print
or println
method we learned in one of our previous lessons and pass the variable name of the variable whose value you want to print.
From all the data types, Unit
might appear to be somewhat unfamiliar. Just remember that Unit
is analogous to void
in other programming languages like Java; put simply, it is nothing.
Now that we have covered all the requirements to create a variable, in the next lesson, you will be challenged to create your own variable.