Recursive Functions
In this lesson, you will be given a brief introduction to recursion and go over how recursion is implemented in Scala.
We'll cover the following...
Recursive functions play an essential role in functional programming. But what are recursive functions?
Recursive functions are functions which call themselves in their own function body. This may seem a bit strange right now, but let’s see how this works.
Recursion is the process of breaking down an expression into smaller and smaller expressions until you’re able to use the same algorithm to solve each expression.
A recursive function is made up of an if-else
expression. The if
represents the base case which is the smallest possible expression on which an algorithm will run and the else
represents the recursive call; when a function calls itself, it is known as a recursive call. The recursive function will keep calling itself in a nested manner without terminating the call until it is equivalent to the base case in which case the algorithm will be applied, and all the function calls will move in an outward manner, terminating before moving on to the next one, reducing themselves until they reach the original function call.
Let’s look at recursive calls as boxes within boxes.
Scala’s Implementation
The implementation of factorials is a very famous recursive problem. A factorial of a number is achieved by multiplying all consecutive numbers starting from 1 till the number in question. So, the factorial of 4 (represented as 4!) is equivalent to 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 = 24.
Let’s look at how we would implement this in Scala.
def factorial(x: Int) : Int = {if(x == 1)1elsex * factorial(x-1)}// Driver Codeprint(factorial(4))
Unlike a basic function, recursive functions require you to specify the type of the return value.
is a recursive function which takes one parameter; the number whose factorial is to be calculated. The base case is if the number is 1 in which case all we have to do is return 1 as that is its own factorial. We cannot break down the expression farther than this, where the factorial of a number is the number itself.
However, if the number is not equal to 1, the else
expression will be executed in which the return value is the number being multiplied with the factorial of the number before it. This will continue until we pass 1 in our recursive call. Let’s look at a graphical implementation of how this works.
Do you see how the result of an inner function call is used to terminate its outer function call?
Implementing Recursive Functions Using match
As discussed above, recursion follows an if-else
pattern. We can also implement recursive functions using match
. The basic concept is exactly the same as before. There is a base case which is handled by the first case. The second case handles the recursive call. It is exactly like if-else
with the first case representing if
and the second case representing else
def factorial(x: Int) : Int = x match{case 1 => 1case x => x * factorial(x-1)}// Driver Codeprint(factorial(4))
Recursion is a difficult concept to wrap your head around, but once you do, it is an extremely powerful tool you can use in a functional programming language.
In the next lesson, you will be challenged to write your own recursive function.