HomeCoursesCreating Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and AR Foundation



Creating Augmented Reality Apps with Unity and AR Foundation
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Gain insights into Unity and AR Foundation. Learn about C# programming, UI design, and AR development. Discover how to create and optimize interactive AR content for various devices.
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Course Overview

Augmented reality (AR) is on the verge of transforming how people interact with their everyday environments by integrating computer-generated experiences. This course is your stepping stone into AR technology, equipping you with the skills needed for a promising career. In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Unity, the cornerstone of AR development, and AR Foundation, a cross-platform Unity framework for building and deploying AR applications. You will familiarize yourself with Unity’s interface,...Show More
Augmented reality (AR) is on the verge of transforming how people interact with their everyday environments by integrating compu...Show More


Familiarity with AR and game development concepts
An understanding of Unity fundamentals
Familiarity with AR Foundation, a cross-platform Unity framework for building and deploying AR applications
Proficiency in C# as used within the Unity environment for effective application development
Familiarity with AR and game development concepts

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Course Content


Getting Started with Unity

2 Lessons

Get familiar with developing AR apps, Unity basics, and key foundational skills.


Learn C# with Unity

18 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of C# programming in Unity, including APIs, data types, variables, classes, methods, arrays, lists, enums, conditions, and loops.



4 Lessons

Engage with the Unity community, utilize documentation, test apps on iOS/Android, and use Visual Studio IDE.
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