

Search in Rotated Sorted Array

Search in Rotated Sorted Array

Try to solve the Search in Rotated Sorted Array problem.


You are given a sorted integer array, nums, and an integer, target. The array may have been rotated by an arbitrary number. Your task is to find and return the index of target in this array. If target does not exist, return -1.

An original sorted array before rotation is given below:

g array 1 10 20 47 59 63 75 88 99 107 120 133 155 162 176 188 199 200 210 222

After rotating this array 6 times, it changes to:

g array 176 188 199 200 210 222 1 10 20 47 59 63 75 88 99 107 120 133 155 162


  • All values in nums are unique.
  • The values in nums are sorted in ascending order.
  • The array may have been rotated by some arbitrary number.
  • 11 \leq nums.length