

Solution: Strobogrammatic Number

Solution: Strobogrammatic Number

Let’s solve the Strobogrammatic Number problem using the Two Pointers pattern.


Given a string num representing an integer, determine whether it is a strobogrammatic number. Return TRUE if the number is strobogrammatic or FALSE if it is not.

Note: A strobogrammatic number appears the same when rotated 180180 degrees (viewed upside down). For example, “69” is strobogrammatic because it looks the same when flipped upside down, while “962” is not.


  • 1<=1 <= num.length <=50<= 50

  • num contains only digits.

  • num has no leading zeros except when the number itself is zero.


The solution uses a two pointer approach to determine whether a given string num is a strobogrammatic number by checking its digits from both ends toward the center. It uses a set of valid digit mappings that remain unchanged when rotated 180180 degrees or transform into each other when flipped (such as 0'0' ...