

Valid Word Abbreviation

Valid Word Abbreviation

Try to solve the Valid Word Abbreviation problem.


Given a string word and an abbreviation abbr, return TRUE if the abbreviation matches the given string. Otherwise, return FALSE.

A certain word "calendar" can be abbreviated as follows:

  • "cal3ar" ("cal end ar" skipping three characters "end" from the word "calendar" still matches the provided abbreviation)

  • "c6r" ("c alenda r" skipping six characters "alenda" from the word "calendar" still matches the provided abbreviation)

The word "internationalization" can also be abbreviated as "i18n" (the abbreviation comes from skipping 18 characters in "internationalization", leaving the first and last letters "i" and "n").

The following are not valid abbreviations:

  • "c06r" (has leading zeroes)

  • "cale0ndar" (replaces an empty string)

  • "c24r" ("c al enda r" the replaced substringsA substring is a contiguous non-empty sequence of characters within a string. are adjacent)


  • 11 \leq word.length 20\leq 20

  • word consists of only lowercase English letters.

  • 11 \leq abbr.length 10\leq 10

  • abbr consists of lowercase English letters and digits.

  • All the integers in abbr will fit in a 3232–bit integer.


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