

Solution: Split Linked List in Parts

Solution: Split Linked List in Parts

Let’s solve the Split Linked List in Parts problem using the In-place Manipulation of a Linked List pattern.


You are given head of a singly linked list and an integer, k. Your task is to split the linked list into k consecutive parts.

  • Each part should have a size as equal as possible, with the difference between any two parts being at most 11.

  • If the list cannot be evenly divided, the earlier parts should have more nodes than the later ones.

  • Any parts that cannot be filled with nodes should be represented as NULL.

  • The parts must appear in the same order as in the input-linked list.

Return an array of the k parts, maintaining the specified conditions.


  • The number of nodes in the list is in the range [0,103][0, 10^{3}] ...