

Solution: Minimum Moves to Spread Stones Over Grid

Solution: Minimum Moves to Spread Stones Over Grid

Let's solve the Minimum Moves to Spread Stones Over Grid problem using the Backtracking pattern.


Given a 2D grid of integers of size (3×33 \times 3), where each value represents the number of stones in the given cell, return the minimum number of moves required to place exactly one stone in each grid cell.


  • Only one stone can be moved in one move.

  • Stone from a cell can only be moved to another cell if they are adjacent (share a side).

  • The sum of all stones in the grid must be equal to 99.

  • grid.length, grid[i].length =3 = 3

  • 00 \le grid[i][j] 9 \le 9


This solution works by trying different combinations of moving extra stones around the grid until each empty cell has at least one stone.

First, we check if there are exactly ...