

Shortest Word Distance II

Shortest Word Distance II

Try to solve the Shortest Word Distance II problem.


Design a data structure that takes in an array of strings and efficiently computes the shortest distance between any two different strings in the array.

Implement the WordDistance class:

  • WordDistance(String[] wordsDict): Initializes the object with an array of strings.

  • int shortest(String word1, String word2): Returns the shortest distance between word1 and word2 in the array of strings.


  • 11 \leq wordsDict.length 103\leq10^3

  • 11 \leq wordsDict[i].length 10\leq 10

  • wordsDict[i] consists of lowercase English letters

  • word1 and word2 are in words_dict

  • word1 != word2

  • At most, 10001000 calls will be made to the shortest


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