

Solution: Binary Watch

Solution: Binary Watch

Let’s solve the Binary Watch problem using the Backtracking pattern.


A binary watch has 4 LEDs for displaying hours (ranging from 0 to 11) and 6 for displaying minutes (ranging from 0 to 59). Each LED can be on (1) or off (0), with the least significant bit on the right. For example, the binary watch below reads “9:22.”

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Given an integer enabled, which represents the number of LEDs currently turned on, return all possible times that the watch could display. You may return the answer in any order.

Note: Remember the following regarding leading zeros:

  • The hour cannot have a leading zero (e.g., “01:00” is invalid, it should be “1:00”).

  • The minute must be two digits and may include a leading zero (e.g., “10:2” is invalid, it should be “10:02”).


  • 00 \leq enabled 10\leq 10


The core intuition behind solving this problem is to use backtracking to explore all possible configurations of the LEDs that can be turned on. Because there are 1010 possible LED positions (44 for hours and 66 for minutes), we recursively try each position, updating the values for hours and minutes based on which LED is turned on. We check whether the time is valid once the required LEDs are turned on. If it is valid, the time is stored. After each recursive step, we backtracked by undoing the previous changes, allowing us to explore other possible combinations of LEDs turned on.

Using the above intuition, we create a recursive function, BinaryWatchRec, to try all possible configurations of LEDs being turned on. We implement the recursive function as follows:

  1. The parameters that BinaryWatchRec takes are as follows:

    1. position: Tracks the current LED position (from 00 to 99 ...