

Two Sum III - Data structure design

Two Sum III - Data structure design

Try to solve the Two Sum III - Data structure design problem.


Design a data structure that takes in a stream of numbers and can check if any two numbers add up to a specific value.

Implement the TwoSum class with the following constructor and methods:

  • Constructor: Sets up the TwoSum object with an empty list at the start.

  • void add(int number): Adds a new number to the list.

  • boolean find(int value): Returns TRUE if any two numbers in the list add up to the given value. If not, it returns FALSE.


  • 105-10^5 \leqnumber 105\leq 10^5

  • 231-2^{31} \leqvalue 2311\leq 2^{31} -1

  • At most, 10410^4 calls will be made to add and find methods.


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