

Solution: Random Pick with Weight

Solution: Random Pick with Weight

Let's solve the Random Pick with Weight problem using the Modified Binary Search pattern.


You’re given an array of positive integers, weights, where weights[i] is the weight of the ithi^{th} index.

Write a function, Pick Index(), which performs weighted random selection to return an index from the weights array. The larger the value of weights[i], the heavier the weight is, and the higher the chances of its index being picked.

Suppose that the array consists of the weights [12,84,35][12, 84, 35]. In this case, the probabilities of picking the indexes will be as follows:

  • Index 0: 12/(12+84+35)=9.2%12/(12 + 84 + 35) = 9.2\%

  • Index 1: 84/(12+84+35)=64.1%84/(12 + 84 + 35) = 64.1\%

  • Index 2: ...