
Learn about bi-implication and its relation with logical equivalence.

What is a bi-implication?

As pqp \Rightarrow q is not logically equivalent to qpq \Rightarrow p, it is interesting to look at the following proposition:

pq:=(pq)(qp).p \Leftrightarrow q:= \left(p \Rightarrow q\right) \land \left(q \Rightarrow p\right).

Note: The :=:= symbol used above means “defined as” or “is by definition equal to.”

We call pqp \Leftrightarrow q a bi-implication. It is also called a biconditional operation. In English, we can state it in different ways. A few of the commonly used phrases are as follows:

  • qq if pp and pp if qq.
  • pp if and only if qq.
  • pp iff qq. (Here, iff is a short form of “if and only if.”)
  • pp implies qq and converse.
  • pp is necessary and sufficient for qq.

Truth table

Let’s look at the truth table of bi-implication. Note that bi-implication is different from simple implication and its converse.

pp qq pqp \Rightarrow q qpq \Rightarrow p pqp \Leftrightarrow q

The bi-implication is true if both operands have the same truth value. We can also use this information in the following way.

Note: If bi-implication is true, we can conclude that both of its operands are logically equivalent.

This way, the bi-implication allows us to establish that two propositions are equivalent. If we want to prove that:

q1q2q_1 \equiv q_2

we can achieve it by showing that,

  • q1q2q_1 \Rightarrow q_2 is true,


  • q2q1q_2 \Rightarrow q_1 is also true,

hence establishing that,

  • q1q2q_1 \Leftrightarrow q_2 is true.


As pqp \Leftrightarrow q is only true when both pp and qq have the same truth value, it is easy to conclude that,

pqqp.p \Leftrightarrow q \equiv q \Leftrightarrow p.

That is, bi-implication is commutative. Let’s look at the following truth table for the associative property. Assume three arbitrary propositions pp, qq, and rr. The truth value of all three is shown in the first column collectively.

(p,q,r)\left(p, q, r\right) pqp \Leftrightarrow q qrq \Leftrightarrow r (pq)r\left(p \Leftrightarrow q\right) \Leftrightarrow r p(qr)p \Leftrightarrow \left(q \Leftrightarrow r\right)
(T,T,T) T T T T
(T,T,F) T F F F
(T,F,T) F F F F
(T,F,F) F T T T
(F,T,T) F T F F
(F,T,F) F F T T
(F,F,T) T F T T
(F,F,F) T T F F

If we compare the last two columns of the truth table, associativity is evident. That is;

(pq)rp(qr).\left(p \Leftrightarrow q\right) \Leftrightarrow r \equiv p \Leftrightarrow \left(q \Leftrightarrow r\right).

Note: Bi-implication is commutative and associative.


Let’s look at an example that will help us understand the difference between implication and bi-implication.

Consider the following propositions:

  • q1q_1: Isra scored more than 80% marks in the final examination of the algebra class.
  • q2q_2: Isra got an A grade in algebra.


  • p1=q1q2p_1=q_1 \Rightarrow q_2: If Isra scored more than 80% marks in the final examination of algebra then she got an A grade in algebra.
  • p2=q2q1p_2=q_2 \Rightarrow q_1: If Isra got an A grade in algebra then she scored more than 80% marks in the final examination of algebra.
  • p3=q1q2p_3=q_1 \Leftrightarrow q_2: Isra scored more than 80% marks in the final examination of algebra if and only if she got an A grade in algebra.

There are four possible scenarios, which are depicted in the following truth table:

q1q_1 q2q_2 p1p_1 p2p_2 p3p_3

Let’s look at the table closely and discuss each scenario that corresponds to a particular row of the truth table.

Scenario 1:

Assume that Isra scored more than 80% marks in the final examination of the algebra class; that is, q1q_1 is true, and she got an A grade in algebra; that is, q2q_2 is also true. This scenario corresponds to the first row of the truth table. Because hypothesis and conclusion both are true for p1p_1 and p2p_2, they are true. Because both p1p_1 and p2p_2 are true therefore, p3p_3 is also true.

Scenario 2:

Assume that Isra scored more than 80% marks in the final examination of algebra; that is, q1q_1 is true, and she did not get an A grade in algebra; that is, q2q_2 is false. This scenario corresponds to the second row of the truth table. For p1p_1, the hypothesis is true, and the conclusion is false; therefore, it is false. For p2p_2, the hypothesis is false; therefore, it is true. Because p1p_1 and p2p_2 have different truth values; therefore, p3p_3 is false.

Scenario 3:

Assume that Isra did not score more than 80% marks in the final examination of algebra; that is, q1q_1 is false, and she got an A grade in algebra; that is, q2q_2 is true. This scenario corresponds to the third row of the truth table. For p1p_1, the hypothesis is false. Therefore, it is true. But for p2p_2, the hypothesis is true, and the conclusion is false, making it false. Because both p1p_1 and p2p_2 have different truth values, therefore, p3p_3 is false.

Scenario 4:

Assume that Isra did not score more than 80% marks in the final examination of algebra; that is, q1q_1 is false, and she did not get an A grade in algebra; that is, q2q_2 is also false. This scenario corresponds to the fourth row of the truth table. Because the hypotheses are false for both p1p_1 and p2p_2; hence, they are true. Therefore, because both p1p_1 and p2p_2 are true, p3p_3 is also true.

Let’s look at another example.


  • p4p_4: Deniz will open his umbrella if and only if it is raining.

The statement p4p_4 is saying that if Deniz will open his umbrella, then it is raining and if it is raining, then Deniz will open his umbrella.

When true?

The proposition p4p_4 is true if Deniz opens up his umbrella whenever it rains, and whenever Deniz opens up his umbrella, it is raining.

When false?

The proposition p4p_4 is false if Deniz opens up his umbrella when it is not raining or when Deniz does not open up his umbrella during rain.