Negation of Quantified Statements

Learn about the negation of logical statements involving quantifiers and the role of DeMorgan’s laws in negating quantified statements.

Negation of universal quantifier

Assume the statement xP(x)\forall x P(x), for some domain DD. This statement asserts that every element of DD has the property PP. By negation, we mean that it is not the case. If it is not the case that every element of DD has the property PP, then there must be at least one element in DD that does not have the property PP. That is,

¬(xDP(x))yD¬P(y).\neg (\forall_{x\in D} P(x)) \equiv \exists_{y \in D} \neg P(y).

Similarly, the negation has the same effect for more than one universal quantifier. Again, with a generic domain DD, assume the following statement:

xDyDzDP(x,y,z).\forall_{x\in D} \forall_{y\in D} \forall_{z\in D} P(x,y,z).

This statement asserts that for every selection of three elements a,b,a,b, and cc, from DD, the predicate P(a,b,c)P(a,b,c) is true. The negation of this statement means that it is not the case. This means there must be at least one selection of three elements e,f,e,f, and gg, such that P(e,f,g)P(e,f,g) is not true. We can state this fact as follows:

¬(xDyDzDP(x,y,z))xDyDzD¬P(x,y,z).\neg\left(\forall_{x\in D} \forall_{y\in D} \forall_{z\in D} P(x,y,z)\right) \equiv \exists_{x\in D} \exists_{y\in D} \exists_{z\in D} \neg P(x,y,z).

Let’s look at a few examples.


Let’s look at a few examples:

Assume the domain to be MM, which is the set of all mammals. That is,

M={xxM = \{x | x is a mammal.}\}

Make a predicate as follows:

  • P(x)P(x): xx has four legs.

Quantify this predicate to make the following statement:

  • xP(x)\forall x P(x): Every mammal has four legs.

The negation of this statement is as follows:

  • ¬(xP(x))\neg\left(\forall x P(x)\right): It is not the case that every mammal has four legs.

The logical equivalent of this statement is as follows:

  • x¬P(x)\exists x \neg P(x): There exists a mammal that does not have four legs.

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