Derived Implication

Learn about inverse, converse, and contrapositive of an implication.


The implication is not a commutative operation. We get the converse of an implication by swapping its operands; that is, by swapping the roles of the hypothesis and conclusion.

Take pp and qq as two arbitrary propositions and let II denote the implication with premise pp and conclusion qq; that is,

I:pq.I : p \Rightarrow q.

Now swap the operands to make CC as:

C:qp.C : q \Rightarrow p.

We define CC to be the converse of II.

C=Converse(I).C = \mathrm{Converse}\left(I\right).

If we look closely, we notice that II is also converse of CC. That means II and CC are converses of each other.

Note: II and CC are not logically equivalent.


Let’s look at some examples.

Consider the following propositions:

  • mhm_h: Murphy is a pet horse.
  • mlm_l: Murphy has four legs.


  • ImmhmlI_m \equiv m_h \Rightarrow m_l

ImI_m states that if Murphy is a pet horse, then Murphy has four legs.

  • CmConverse(Im)C_m \equiv \mathrm{Converse}\left( I_m\right) mlmh.\equiv m_{l}\Rightarrow m_{h}.

  • CmC_m states that if Murphy has four legs, then Murphy is a pet horse.

Both ImI_m and CmC_m are converse of each other. Furthermore, they are not logically equivalent.

To understand it further, let’s assume that Murphy is a pet dog. In that case, ImI_m is true because hypothesis (mhm_h) is false. While CmC_{m} is false because hypothesis (mlm_{l}) is true and the conclusion (mhm_{h}) is false.

Let’s take a look at another example.


  • LCL_{C}: Lee lives in China.
  • LAL_{A}: Lee lives in Asia.


  • IL=LCLAI_{L} = L_{C} \Rightarrow L_{A}: If Lee lives in China then Lee lives in Asia.

  • CL=Converse(IL)=LALC.C_{L} = \text{Converse} \left(I_{L}\right) = L_{A} \Rightarrow L_{C}.

  • CLC_{L}: If Lee lives in Asia, then Lee lives in China.

Here, ILI_{L} and CLC_{L} are converse of each other.

Lee lives in Thailand

To see the difference between ILI_{L} and CLC_{L} assume that Lee lives in Thailand. In that case, ILI_L is true while CLC_L is false.


If we negate both the operands of an implication without changing the direction, we get the inverse of it.

Take pp and qq as two arbitrary propositions and make q1q_1 as:

q1=pq.q_1 = p \Rightarrow q.

Now negate both the operands to make q3q_3 as:

q3=¬p¬q.q_3 = \neg p \Rightarrow \neg q.

We define q3q_3 to be the inverse of q1q_1.

q3=Inverse(q1).q_3 = \text{Inverse}\left(q_1\right).

If we look closely, we notice that q1q_1 is also the inverse of q3q_3. That is, q1q_1 and q3q_3 are inverse of each other. Further, a proposition and its inverse are not logically equivalent.

Note: q1q_1 and q3q_3 are not logically equivalent.


Let’s see what is the inverse of CLC_{L}.

Recall that,

  • CL=LALCC_{L} = L_{A} \Rightarrow L_{C}: If Lee lives in Asia then Lee lives in China.


  • VC=Inverse(CL)V_{C}=\text{Inverse}\left(C_{L}\right) =¬LA¬LC.= \neg L_{A}\Rightarrow \neg L_{C}.
  • VCV_{C}: If Lee does not live in Asia, then Lee does not live in China.

Let us compare it with the inverse of ILI_{L}, which is:

  • IL=LCLA:I_{L} = L_{C} \Rightarrow L_{A} : If Lee lives in China, then Lee lives in Asia.
  • VI=Inverse(IL)V_{I}= \text{Inverse}\left(I_{L}\right) =¬LC¬LA.= \neg L_{C}\Rightarrow \neg L_{A}.
  • VIV_{I}: If Lee does not live in China, then Lee does not live in Asia.

Note that if Lee lives in Thailand, then VIV_{I} is false while VCV_C is true.

Let’s look at another simple example.

Consider the following propositions:

  • sls_l: Sana has taken a literature examination.
  • sms_{m}: Sana secured 75% marks in the literature examination.


  • Is=slsmI_{s} = s_{l} \Rightarrow s_{m}: If Sana has taken a literature examination, then she has secured 75% marks in it.
  • Vs=Inverse(Is)V_{s} = \text{Inverse}\left(I_{s}\right) =¬sl¬sm.= \neg s_{l} \Rightarrow \neg s_{m}.
  • VsV_{s}: If Sana has not taken a literature examination, then she has not secured 75% marks in it.

Note that if Sana had secured 75% marks in literature examination without taking a literature examination then IsI_s is true and VsV_s is false. Similarly, we can think of the scenario when Sana had taken literature examination and had not secured 75% marks. In that case, IsI_s is false and VsV_s is true.


We can get contrapositive of an implication by changing its direction and negating both of its operands.

Take pp and qq as two arbitrary propositions and make q1q_1 as:

q1=pq.q_1 = p \Rightarrow q.

Now negate both the operands and swap them to make q4q_4 as:

q4=¬q¬p.q_4 = \neg q \Rightarrow \neg p.

We define q4q_4 to be the contrapositive of q1q_1.

q4=Contrapositive(q1).q_4 =\text{Contrapositive}\left(q_1\right).

If we look closely, we notice that q1q_1 is also contrapositive of q4q_4. Hence, q1q_1 and q4q_4 are contrapositive of each other. Further, it is essential to note that q1q_1 and q4q_4 are logically equivalent.

Note: An implication and its contrapositive are logically equivalent.


Let’s look at some examples.

Recall that,

  • mhm_{h}: Murphy is a pet horse.
  • mlm_{l}: Murphy has four legs.


  • Im=mhmlI_{m}= m_{h}\Rightarrow m_{l}: If Murphy is a pet horse, then Murphy has four legs.
  • Pm=Contrapositive(Im)P_{m}= \text{Contrapositive}\left(I_{m}\right) =¬ml¬mh.=\neg m_{l}\Rightarrow \neg m_{h}.
  • PmP_{m}: If Murphy does not have four legs, then Murphy is not a pet horse.

Both ImI_{m} and PmP_{m} are contrapositive of each other. Further, both are logically equivalent.

For the next example:

Recall that,

  • LCL_{C}: Lee lives in China.
  • LAL_{A}: Lee lives in Asia.
  • IL=LCLAI_{L} = L_{C} \Rightarrow L_{A}: If Lee lives in China, then Lee lives in Asia.

Let’s look at the contrapositive of ILI_{L}.

  • PL=Contrapositive(IL)P_{L} =\text{Contrapositive}\left(I_{L}\right) =¬LA¬LC.= \neg L_{A} \Rightarrow \neg L_{C}.
  • PLP_{L}: If Lee does not live in Asia, then Lee does not live in China.

Here, ILI_{L} and PLP_{L} are contrapositive of each other, and they are logically equivalent.

Let’s take another example.

Consider the following propositions:

  • ETET: Emma is taller than Charlotte.
  • CSCS: Charlotte is shorter than Emma.


  • IEC=ETCSI_{EC} = ET \Rightarrow CS: If Emma is taller than Charlotte, then Charlotte is shorter than Emma.

  • PEC=Contrapositive(IEC)P_{EC} =\text{Contrapositive} \left(I_{EC}\right) =¬CS¬ET.= \neg CS\Rightarrow \neg ET.

  • PECP_{EC}: If Charlotte is not shorter than Emma, then Emma is not taller than Charlotte.

Emma is taller than Charlotte


Take pp and qq as two arbitrary propositions and make q1q_1 as:

q1=pq.q_1 = p \Rightarrow q.

  • Converse(q1):=qp.\text{Converse}\left(q_1\right):= q \Rightarrow p.

  • Inverse(q1):=¬p¬q.\text{Inverse}\left(q_1\right):= \neg p \Rightarrow \neg q.

  • Contrapositive(q1):=¬q¬p.\text{Contrapositive}\left(q_1\right):= \neg q \Rightarrow \neg p.

Note: The :=:= symbol used above means “defined as” or “is by definition equal to.”


Test your understanding of the implication.


Select the contrapositive of the proposition q1q2q_1 \Rightarrow q_2 from the given options.


q2q1q_2 \Rightarrow q_1


¬q1¬q2\neg q_1 \Rightarrow \neg q_2


¬q2¬q1\neg q_2 \Rightarrow \neg q_1


q1¬q2q_1 \Rightarrow \neg q_2

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