Mathematical Proofs: Basics

Learn about the structure of mathematical proofs and how to construct a proof using inference rules.

What is a proof?

A mathematical proof is a sequence of logically correct deductions based on a set of hypotheses and rules of inference to establish the truth value of a proposition under consideration. In the collection of hypotheses, we include the propositions already known to be true or assumed to be true. At times we use a more direct approach and use a truth table to look at all the possibilities to conclude the truth value of the desired proposition.

Let’s assume that we are given H={H1,H2,,Hn},H = \{H_1, H_2, \ldots, H_n\}, as set of hypotheses. We apply a rule of inference using HjH_j and (possibly) HkH_k to conclude C1C_1. Then for the next step, C1C_1 can be used as a hypothesis along with members of HH. The objective is to conclude CC, which is the desired proposition; in other words, CC is the proposition we want to prove.

It is pertinent to note that if we prove a statement that is known to be false, then there are only two possibilities. Either a rule of inference is not applied correctly, or at least one of the hypotheses is not true.


How do we prove a proposition from a set of hypotheses? We explain it with the help of examples. In each of the following examples, we’ll look at a scenario, formalize it, state the set of hypotheses, note down the desired conclusion, and then present a proof to deduce the desired conclusion.

Science grade

For the first example, consider the following scenario in which Beth is a sixth-grade student.


If Beth prepares from the textbook, (then) she gets an A grade in science. If she prepares from the class notes, (then) she gets a B grade in science. Beth prepared from the textbook or class notes. Beth did not get a B grade in science.

Can we conclude that Beth gets an A grade in science?


  • s1s_1: Beth prepares from the textbook.
  • s2s_2: Beth gets an A grade in science.
  • s3s_3: Beth prepares from the class notes.
  • s4s_4: Beth gets a B grade in science.


  • H1:      s1s2      :H_1:\;\;\; s_1 \Rightarrow s_2 \;\;\;: If Beth prepares from the textbook, (then) she gets an A grade in science.
  • H2:      s3s4      :H_2:\;\;\; s_3 \Rightarrow s_4 \;\;\;: If Beth prepares from the class notes, (then) she gets a B grade in science.
  • H3:      s1s3      :H_3:\;\;\; s_1 \lor s_3 \;\;\;: Beth prepared from the textbook or class notes.
  • H4:      ¬s4      :H_4:\;\;\; \neg s_4 \;\;\;: Beth did not get a B grade in science.


  • C:      s2      :C:\;\;\; s_2 \;\;\;: Beth gets an A grade in science.

If we apply the conjunction rule on H1H_1 and H2H_2, we conclude the following:

  • C1:      (s1s2)(s3s4).      C_1:\;\;\; (s_1 \Rightarrow s_2)\land (s_3 \Rightarrow s_4). \;\;\;


Now, use C1C_1 and H3H_3 to apply constructive dilemma, as shown on the right, and get the following conclusion:

  • C2:      s2s4.      C_2:\;\;\; s_2\lor s_4. \;\;\;

Apply disjunctive syllogism using C2C_2 and H4H_4 to get the following:

  • C:      s2      :C:\;\;\; s_2 \;\;\;: Beth gets an A grade in science.

        H1:      s1s2        H2:      s3s4C1:      (s1s2)(s3s4)\begin{aligned}{} &\;\;\;\;H_1:\;\;\; s_1 \Rightarrow s_2\\ &\;\;\;\;H_2:\;\;\; s_3 \Rightarrow s_4\\ &\rule[0 pt]{130 pt}{0.5 pt}\\ &\therefore C_1:\;\;\;(s_1 \Rightarrow s_2)\land (s_3 \Rightarrow s_4) \end{aligned}

        C1:      (s1s2)(s3s4)        H3:      s1s3C2:      s2s4\begin{aligned}{} &\;\;\;\;C_1:\;\;\; (s_1 \Rightarrow s_2)\land (s_3 \Rightarrow s_4)\\ &\;\;\;\;H_3:\;\;\; s_1 \lor s_3\\ &\rule[0 pt]{130 pt}{0.5 pt}\\ &\therefore C_2:\;\;\;s_2 \lor s_4 \end{aligned}

        C2:      s2s4        H4:      ¬s4  C:      s2\begin{aligned}{} &\;\;\;\;C_2:\;\;\; s_2 \lor s_4\\ &\;\;\;\;H_4:\;\;\; \neg s_4\\ &\rule[0 pt]{130 pt}{0.5 pt}\\ &\therefore \;C:\;\;\;s_2 \end{aligned}

Ghosts exist

For the second example, consider the following scenario.


If Steve believes in ghosts, then they are a reality for him. If ghosts are a reality for Steve, (then) they are affecting his life. If ghosts do not exist, (then) they are not affecting Steve’s life. Steve believes in ghosts. It leads to the conclusion that ghosts exist.


  • p1p_1: Steve believes in ghosts.
  • p2p_2: Ghosts are a reality for Steve.
  • p3p_3: Ghosts are affecting Steve’s life.
  • p4p_4: Ghosts exist.


  • H1:      p1p2      :H_1:\;\;\; p_1 \Rightarrow p_2 \;\;\;: If Steve believes in ghosts, then they are a reality for him.
  • H2:      p2p3      :H_2:\;\;\; p_2 \Rightarrow p_3 \;\;\;: If ghosts are a reality for Steve, then they are affecting his life.
  • H3:      ¬p4¬p3      :H_3:\;\;\; \neg p_4 \Rightarrow \neg p_3 \;\;\;: If ghosts do not exist, then they are not affecting Steve’s life.
  • H4:      p1      :H_4:\;\;\; p_1 \;\;\;: Steve believes in ghosts.


  • p4p_4: Ghosts exist.

We use H1H_1 and H4H_4 to apply modus ponens and conclude p2p_2.

  • C1:      p2      :C_1:\;\;\; p_2 \;\;\;: Ghosts are a reality for Steve.

Now use H2H_2 and C1C_1 to apply modus ponens again and conclude p3p_3.

  • C2:      p3      :C_2:\;\;\; p_3 \;\;\;: Ghosts will affect Steve’s life.

Finally, take H3H_3 and C2C_2 to apply modus tollens and conclude ¬(¬p4)\neg (\neg p_4), which is p4p_4. Note that, C2¬(¬p3)C_2 \equiv \neg (\neg p_3).

  • C:      p4      :C:\;\;\; p_4 \;\;\;: Ghosts exist.

        H1:      p1p2        H4:      p1C1:      p2\begin{aligned}{} &\;\;\;\;H_1:\;\;\; p_1 \Rightarrow p_2\\ &\;\;\;\;H_4:\;\;\; p_1\\ &\rule[0 pt]{130 pt}{0.5 pt}\\ &\therefore C_1:\;\;\;p_2 \end{aligned}

        H2:      p2p3        C1:      p2C2:      p3\begin{aligned}{} &\;\;\;\;H_2:\;\;\; p_2 \Rightarrow p_3\\ &\;\;\;\;C_1:\;\;\; p_2\\ &\rule[0 pt]{130 pt}{0.5 pt}\\ &\therefore C_2:\;\;\;p_3 \end{aligned}

        H3:      ¬p4¬p3        C2:      p3  C:      p4\begin{aligned}{} &\;\;\;\;H_3:\;\;\; \neg p_4 \Rightarrow \neg p_3\\ &\;\;\;\;C_2:\;\;\; p_3\\ &\rule[0 pt]{130 pt}{0.5 pt}\\ &\therefore \;C:\;\;\;p_4 \end{aligned}