Tautologies and Contradictions

Learn about tautologies and contradictions that are fundamental concepts in mathematical reasoning.


A proposition that is always true is called a tautology. For example, consider the following compound proposition p1p_1:

p1=q¬q.p_1 = q\lor \neg q.

It is clear that independent of the truth value of qq, p1p_1 is always true. Therefore, p1p_1 is a tautology.

For any logically equivalent propositions q1q_1 and q2q_2, the bi-implication q1q2q_1 \Leftrightarrow q_2 is a tautology.


Let’s look at some examples.

Take two arbitrary propositions: q3q_3 and q4.q_4. We know,

  • ¬(q3q4)q3q4.\neg\left(q_3 \Leftrightarrow q_4\right)\equiv q_3 \oplus q_4.

By using this equivalence, let’s make a tautology.

  • p2=¬(q3q4)q3q4.p_2 = \neg\left(q_3 \Leftrightarrow q_4\right)\Leftrightarrow q_3 \oplus q_4.

Using the following truth table, let’s verify that p2p_2 is a tautology.

(q3,q4)\left(q_3,q_4\right) ¬(q3q4)\neg\left(q_3 \Leftrightarrow q_4\right) q3q4q_3 \oplus q_4 ¬(q3q4)q3q4\neg\left(q_3 \Leftrightarrow q_4\right)\Leftrightarrow q_3 \oplus q_4
(T, T) F F T
(T, F) T T T
(F, T) T T T
(F, F) F F T

It is clear by the last column that no matter what the truth value of q3q_3 and q4q_4 is p2p_2 is always true.

Here’s another example:


  • p3=(q3q4)(q4q3).p_3 = \left(q_3 \Rightarrow q_4\right)\lor\left(q_4 \Rightarrow q_3\right).

The proposition p3p_3 is a tautology. Let’s verify it using the following truth table:

(q3,q4)\left(q_3,q_4\right) q3q4q_3 \Rightarrow q_4 q4q3q_4 \Rightarrow q_3 (q3q4)(q4q3)\left(q_3 \Rightarrow q_4\right)\lor\left(q_4 \Rightarrow q_3\right)
(T, T) T T T
(T, F) F T T
(F, T) T F T
(F, F) T T T


A proposition that is always false is called a contradiction. For example, consider the following compound proposition p4p_4:

p4=q¬q.p_4 = q \land \neg q.

It is clear that independent of the truth value of qq, p4p_4 is always false. Therefore, p4p_4 is a contradiction.


Let’s see some examples.

For some arbitrary propositions q5q_5 and q6q_6, we make p5p_5 as follows:

  • p5=(q5q6)(q5¬q6)(¬q5q6)(¬q5¬q6).p_5 = \left(q_5 \lor q_6\right) \land \left(q_5 \lor \neg q_6\right) \land \left(\neg q_5 \lor q_6\right)\land \left(\neg q_5 \lor \neg q_6\right).

The proposition p5p_5 comprises four clauses connected with conjunction operation. If q5q_5 and q6q_6 are true, then the last clause of p5p_5 is false. If q5q_5 and q6q_6 both are false, then the first clause of p5p_5 is false. In the remaining two cases, either the second or third clause is false. For p5p_5 to be true, all of its four clauses should be true. Let’s look at the following truth table to verify that p5p_5 is a contradiction

(q5,q6)\left(q_5, q_6\right) (q5q6)\left(q_5\lor q_6\right) (q5¬q6)\left(q_5\lor \neg q_6\right) (¬q5q6)\left(\neg q_5\lor q_6\right) (¬q5¬q6)\left(\neg q_5\lor \neg q_6\right) p5p_5
(T,T) T T T F F
(T,F) T T F T F
(F,T) T F T T F
(F,F) F T T T F

It is evident from the truth table above that no matter what the truth value of q5q_5 and q6q_6 is, p5p_5 is false.

For any logically equivalent propositions q1q_1 and q2q_2, the bi-implication q1q2q_1 \Leftrightarrow q_2 is a tautology. If we take the negation of any tautology, it will become a contradiction. So, ¬(q1q2)\neg \left(q_1 \Leftrightarrow q_2\right) is a contradiction.


A proposition that is neither a tautology nor a contradiction is called a contingency. That means contingency is a typical proposition that, in some instances, is true and false in others.


Let’s take a look at some examples.

Consider the following compound proposition p6p_6:

  • p6=(q7q8)¬q9.p_6 = \left(q_7 \land q_8\right)\lor \neg q_9.

It is clear that the truth value of p6p_6 is dependent on the truth values of q7,q8q_7, q_8, and q9q_9. It can be true if q9q_9 is false, and it can be false if q7q_7 is false and q9q_9 is true. Therefore, p6p_6 is a contingency.

Following is another example of contingency,


  • p7=(q7q8)q9.p_7 = \left(q_7 \Rightarrow q_8\right) \land q_9.

One more example of contingency is as follows.


  • p8=(¬q7q8)(¬q8q9).p_8 = \left(\neg q_7 \oplus q_8\right)\lor\left(\neg q_8 \land q_9\right).

Observe that p8p_8 is true if q7q_7 and q8q_8 are true. But p8p_8 is false, if q7q_7 is false and q8q_8 is true. Therefore, p8p_8 is a contingency.

Note that every proposition is a tautology, contradiction, or contingency. The following illustration shows this mutually exclusive classification of the propositions discussed in this lesson.


Test your understanding of tautologies and contradictions.


Select the right category for the following statement:

¬(pq)(p¬q).\neg \left(p \lor q\right) \land \left(p \land \neg q\right).


It is a tautology.


It is a contingency.


It is a contradiction.


It is not a proposition.

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