
Learn to join two or more propositions using the conjunction operation.

What is a conjunction?

A conjunction is a binary operation in the sense that it requires two operands. When two propositions are connected using a conjunction operation, it becomes a new proposition whose value depends on the truth values of the operands. Another name for the conjunction operator is the AND operator.


Consider the following propositions:

  • DD: Joseph is taking a discrete mathematics course.
  • CC: Joseph is taking a calculus course.

Let’s make a new proposition JJ by taking the conjunction of DD and CC.

  • JJ: “Joseph is taking a discrete mathematics course” and “Joseph is taking a calculus course.”

We can simplify JJ without changing the meaning.

  • JJ: Joseph is taking both discrete mathematics and calculus courses.

We use the \land symbol to represent the conjunction operation. So,

JDC.J \equiv D \land C.

The truth value of JJ is true only when DD and CC both are true and false otherwise.

It is intuitive to think of conjunction as an “and” in everyday language. In fact, that is the reason conjunction is also called a logical AND.

Truth table

Let pp and qq be arbitrary propositions. The exact definition of conjunction is given by defining the truth value of pqp \land q in all possible cases. This is done by specifying a truth table. Let’s use T to represent true and F to represent false. A truth table enumerates all possible cases of the truth values of pp and qq and describes what the truth value will be for pqp \land q.

The truth table defining conjunction is given below:

pp qq pqp \land q

In computer science, the truth values are often represented by 00 and 11. Where 00 represents false, and 11 represents true. We call this the 0/10/1-notation. In this notation, pqp \land q is defined by the following table:

pp qq pqp \land q
11 11 11
11 00 00
00 11 00
00 00 00

A keen observer must have realized that each entry in the last column can be obtained by multiplying the corresponding entries in the first two columns. For this reason pqp \land q is sometimes denoted by pqpq, where the symbol of multiplication is normally skipped.

Circuit diagram

Now, let’s illustrate the concept of conjunction through circuit diagrams. Here is the key that will help you in understanding them:

Press + to interact
Description of truth values of the elements used in the diagrams
Description of truth values of the elements used in the diagrams

When both pp and qq are false, both switches are off, and no electricity reaches the bulb in the following circuit diagram. Therefore, the bulb is off, indicating that pqp \wedge q is false.

Press + to interact
Conjunction of the truth values of both switches returns false
Conjunction of the truth values of both switches returns false

When pp is true and qq is false, the circuit is not complete and the bulb is off. This indicates that pqp \land q is false.

Press + to interact
Conjunction of the truth values of both switches returns false
Conjunction of the truth values of both switches returns false

Similarly, when pp is false and qq is true, the circuit is not complete and the bulb is off. This indicates that pqp \land q is false.

Press + to interact
Conjunction of the truth values of both switches returns false
Conjunction of the truth values of both switches returns false

Finally, when both pp and qq are true, both switches are on, and the circuit is complete. The bulb is on, indicating that pqp \land q is true.

Press + to interact
Conjunction of the truth values of both switches returns true
Conjunction of the truth values of both switches returns true


Test your understanding of conjunction.


If q3q_3 is a conjunction of two propositions q1q_1 and q2q_2, then q3q_3 is true if


q1q_1 is true and q2q_2 is false.


Both q1q_1 and q2q_2 are false.


Both q1q_1 and q2q_2 are true.


q1q_1 is false and q2q_2 is true.

Question 1 of 20 attempted