Proof by Contradiction

Learn how to prove by contradiction.

The structure of proof by contradiction

We use this method to prove that a given statement ss is true. As ss is a proposition, it is either true or false. We start the proof by assuming that ss is false and use this assumption and other hypotheses to conclude a contradiction. Therefore, ss can not be false, which means ss is true. We can also interpret this proof method as follows:

¬sF.\neg s \Rightarrow F.

As the contrapositive of an implication is logically equivalent, we conclude the following:

Ts.T\Rightarrow s.

The above implication can only be true if ss is true.

Another way to look at proof by contradiction is as follows. Assume we want to prove that PQP\Rightarrow Q is true. We know that PQ(¬PQ)P\Rightarrow Q \equiv \left( \neg P \lor Q\right). Further, due to DeMorgan’s law, we can write the following equivalence:

PQ(¬PQ)¬(P¬Q).¬(P¬Q)F.(P¬Q)F.\begin{aligned}{} P\Rightarrow Q &\equiv \left( \neg P \lor Q\right)\\ &\equiv \neg \left( P \land \neg Q\right).\\ &\equiv\neg \left( P \land \neg Q\right)\lor F.\\ &\equiv \left( P \land \neg Q\right)\Rightarrow F. \end{aligned}

Therefore, if we can show that (P¬Q)\left( P \land \neg Q\right) leads to a contradiction, we have shown that PQP\Rightarrow Q is true.

To comprehend it further, let’s prove a few example statements using this method.


We define a rational number in the form pq\frac{p}{q}, where pp and qq are integers and q0q\ne 0. Further, a rational number is in standard form if pp and qq do not have a common factor greater than one.

Lemma 1

For an integer nn, if n2n^2 is even, then nn is also even.


We prove this statement using the method of contraposition. We want to prove the following statement:

n2 is evenn is even.n^2\space\text{is even} \Rightarrow n\space \text{is even}.

Instead, we’ll prove the contrapositive of this statement, which is logically equivalent to the above statement. The contrapositive of the above statement is as follows:

n is oddn2 is odd.n\space\text{is odd} \Rightarrow n^2\space\text{is odd}.

Assuming that nn is odd, we can write nn as follows:

n=2k+1  for some integer k.n = 2k+1~~\text{for some integer}\space k.

Taking the square on both sides, we get the following equation:

n2=(2k+1)2.n^2 = \left(2k+1\right)^2.

We open up the square on the right side and rearrange the terms.

n2=4k2+4k+1.n^2 = 4k^2+4k+1.

n2=2(2k2+2k)+1.n^2 = 2\left(2k^2+2k\right)+1.

As kk is an integer, (2k2+2k)\left(2k^2+2k\right) is also an integer. Let j=(2k2+2k)j=\left(2k^2+2k\right). Now, we can write the following equation:

n2=2j+1.n^2 = 2j+1.

Therefore, n2n^2 is odd.

Theorem 1

2\sqrt{2} is an irrational number.


We want to prove the following statement:

s=2 is irrational.s=\sqrt{2}\space \text{is irrational}.

A number is either rational or irrational. We assume that the given statement is false. This means ¬s\neg s is true.

¬s=2 is a rational number.\neg s = \sqrt{2}\space \text{is a rational number}.

In that case, we can write it in the standard form as 2=pq\sqrt{2} = \frac{p}{q}, where q0q\ne0 and there is no common factor of pp and qq. If we square both sides, we get the following equation:

(2)2=p2q2.\left(\sqrt{2}\right)^2 = \frac{p^2}{q^2}.

We can rearrange the terms as follows:

2q2=p2.2q^2 = p^2.

As pp and qq are integers, we see that p2p^2 is even.

If p2p^2 is even, then pp is even by lemma 1. Therefore, we can write p=2kp=2k for some integer kk. We get the following equation:

2q2=(2k)2.2q^2 = \left(2k\right)^2.

Simplifying the above equation gives us the following equation:

q2=2k2.q^2 = 2k^2.

This means q2q^2 is an even number. By lemma 1, if q2q^2 is an even number, then qq is an even number.

This means pp and qq both are even numbers. But that is a contradiction because we assumed that pp and qq do not have a common factor greater than one. As ¬s\neg s leads us to a contradiction, it can not be true. Therefore, ss is true.

Theorem 2

There are infinitely many prime numbers.


Assume that there are finitely many prime numbers. Then we can write them in ascending order as p1,p2,p3,,pnp_1, p_2, p_3, \ldots, p_n, where pnp_n is the largest prime number. We can construct a number pp as follows:

p=p1×p2×p3××pn+1.p= p_1\times p_2 \times p_3 \times \ldots \times p_n+1.

Note that pip_i cannot be a factor of pp because it is a factor of (p1)\left(p-1\right), and the smallest prime is two. Now, there are two possibilities. The first possibility is that pp is a prime that is greater than pnp_n, which is a contradiction because we assumed that pnp_n is the biggest prime. The second possibility is that pp is a composite number, but there is no prime number that divides it, which is a contradiction to the fact that every composite number has a prime factor.

Therefore, there are infinitely many prime numbers.