HomeCoursesThe DevOps Toolkit: Working with Jenkins X



The DevOps Toolkit: Working with Jenkins X
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Delve into Jenkins X to streamline CI/CD in Kubernetes. Gain insights into setting up clusters, integrating familiar tools, and confidently managing automated testing and delivery processes.
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Course Overview

Jenkins X is a powerful tool for providing software developers continuous integration, automated testing, and continuous delivery, known as CI/CD, in Kubernetes. It’s no secret that Kubernetes is extremely complex, and Jenkins X helps you by simplifying processes into concepts that can be adopted quickly and without spending months trying to figure out “the right way to do stuff.” In this course, you’ll start by exploring the inner workings of Jenkins X and how to create a cluster using it. You’ll then l...Show More
Jenkins X is a powerful tool for providing software developers continuous integration, automated testing, and continuous deliver...Show More

Course Content


Before Getting Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with Jenkins X's features, impact, and integration with Kubernetes and tools.


Importing Existing Projects Into Jenkins X

7 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of importing projects into Jenkins X, creating clusters, customizing Helm charts, and managing Jenkins X configurations.


Working With Pull Requests And Preview Environments

8 Lessons

Try out working with pull requests and managing preview environments using Jenkins X.


Promoting Releases To Production

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of promoting releases to production using Jenkins X and Kubernetes.


Choosing The Right Deployment Strategy

18 Lessons

Discover the logic behind selecting deployment strategies for diverse application needs and environments.



2 Lessons

Build a foundation in practical Jenkins X application and collaborative DevOps community practices.
Certificate of Completion
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