HomeCoursesLearn React Hooks for Frontend Development



Learn React Hooks for Frontend Development
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Gain insights into React Hooks for frontend development. Learn about components, state management, performance optimization with useMemo, context updates with useContext, and creating custom hooks. Explore application logic mastery.
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Course Overview

Web development has changed significantly in recent years. A web developer should not only know the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but also be proficient in frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue. These frameworks make web development easier, enabling developers to focus on the application logic. This course is designed for newcomers to React and experienced React developers alike. You’ll start by learning the most fundamental concept in React—components. Specifically, you’ll learn about function ...Show More
Web development has changed significantly in recent years. A web developer should not only know the basics of HTML, CSS, and Jav...Show More


Proficiency in React’s core constructs and concepts
A deep understanding of modern web development practices
The ability to create efficient, feature-rich web applications
Hands-on experience optimizing a React application
Proficiency in React’s core constructs and concepts

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Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with the evolution of UIs, state management, and React Hooks in web development.


Introducing the Function Component

7 Lessons

Discover the logic behind creating and utilizing function components for efficient React development.



1 Lessons

Apply your skills to build efficient React apps with hooks and advanced concepts.


Appendix: Exploring JavaScript and React

7 Lessons

Dig deeper into React's role in web development, modern JavaScript, and CSS-in-JS.
Certificate of Completion
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