Chaining and Parallelizing Computation
This lesson explains how to chain goroutines and parallelize computation over multiple machines.
Chaining goroutines
The following demo-program demonstrates how easy it is to start a massive number of goroutines.
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package mainimport ("flag""fmt")var ngoroutine = flag.Int("n", 100000, "how many goroutines")func f(left, right chan int) { left <- 1+<-right }func main() {flag.Parse()leftmost := make(chan int)var left, right chan int = nil, leftmostfor i := 0; i < *ngoroutine; i++ {left, right = right, make(chan int)go f(left, right)}right <- 0 // start the chainingx := <-leftmost // wait for completionfmt.Println(x) // 100000, approx. 1.5 s}
In this little program, you can indicate how many goroutines you want at the ...