The comma, ok Pattern
This lesson briefly discusses the uses of the comma, ok pattern in Go language.
While studying the Go-language, we encountered several times the so-called comma, ok idiom where an expression returns two values: the first of which is a value or nil, and the second is true/false or an error. An if-condition with initialization and then testing on the second-value leads to succinct and elegant code. This is a significant pattern in idiomatic Go-code. Here are all cases summarized:
Testing for errors on function return
var value Type_value
var err error
if value, err = pack1.Func1(param1); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error %s in pack1.Func1 with parameter %v", err.Error(), param1)
return err
// no error in Func1:
Other places where it is used:
os.Open(file), strconv.Atoi(str)
The following code will not compile because the scope of the file variable is the if-block only:
if file, err := os.Open("input.dat"); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("An error occurred on opening the inputfile\n" +
"Does the file exist?\n" +
"Have you got access to it?\n")
return // exit the function on error
defer file.Close()
reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
In this case, declare the variables upfront:
var file *os.File
var err error
and then file, err := os.Open("input.dat")
can be replaced by: file, err = os.Open("input.dat")
The function in which this code occurs returns the error to the caller, giving it the value nil when the normal processing was successful and so has the signature:
func SomeFunc() error {
if value, err = pack1.Func1(param1); err != nil {
return err
return nil
The same pattern is used when recovering from a panic with defer
. A good pattern for clean error checking is using closures.
Testing if a key-value item exists in a map
Does this means that map1
has a value for key1
? Look at the following snippet:
if value, isPresent = map1[key1]; isPresent {
// key1 is not present
Testing if an interface variable is of certain type
if value, ok := varI.(T); ok {
// varI is not of type T
Testing if a channel is closed
for input := range ch {
var input Type_of_input
var err error
for {
if input, open = <-ch; !open {
break // channel is closed
This is how this pattern resolves many issues in a single line. Similarly, in the next lesson, we’ll be studying the defer pattern, used several times before in this course.
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