Highlights from the Previous Chapters
We often refer to the full explanation and examples in previous chapters. Here, each section summarizes all the concepts learned in this course and warns what not to do!
We'll cover the following...
Hiding a variable by misusing short declaration
In the following code snippet:
var remember bool = false
if something {
remember := true // Wrong.
// use remember
The variable remember
will never become true outside of the if-body. Inside the if-body, a new remember variable that hides the outer remember is declared because of :=
, and there it will be true. However, after the closing } of if
, the variable remember
regains its outer value false. So, write it as:
if something {
remember = true
This can also occur with a for-loop, and can be particularly subtle in functions with named return variables, as the following snippet shows:
func shadow() (err error) {
x, err := check1() // x is created; err is assigned to
if err != nil {
return // err correctly returned
if y, err := check2(x); err != nil { // y and inner err are created
return // inner err shadows outer err so err is wrongly returned!
} else {
Misusing strings
When you need to do a lot of manipulations on a string, think about the fact that strings in Go (like in Java and C#) are immutable. String concatenations of the kind a += b
are inefficient, mainly when performed inside a loop. They cause many reallocations and the copying of memory. Instead, one should use a bytes.Buffer
to accumulate string content, like in the following snippet:
var b