Solution Review: Bubble Sort the Slice
This lesson discusses the solution to the challenge given in the previous lesson.
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package mainimport ("fmt")func main() {sla := []int{2, 6, 4, -10, 8, 89, 12, 68, -45, 37}fmt.Println("before sort: ",sla)// sla is passed via call by value, but since sla is a reference type// the underlying array is changed (sorted)bubbleSort(sla)fmt.Println("after sort: ",sla)}func bubbleSort(sl []int) {// passes through the slice:for pass:=1; pass < len(sl); pass++ {// one pass:for i:=0; i < len(sl) - pass; i++ { // the bigger value 'bubbles up' to the last positionif sl[i] > sl[i+1] {sl[i], sl[i+1] = sl[i+1], sl[i]}}}}
In the program above, in main
at line 7, we ...