Structs, Collections and Higher-Order Functions

This lesson is an implementation of the example that covers the concepts of structs, interfaces, and higher-order functions studied so far.

Often, when you have a struct in your application, you also need a collection of (pointers to) objects of that struct, like:

type Any interface{}

type Car struct {
  Model string
  Manufacturer string
  BuildYear int
  // ...

type Cars []*Car

We can then use the fact that higher-order functions can be arguments to other functions when defining the needed functionality, e.g.:

  1. When defining a general Process() function, which itself takes a function f which operates on every car:
// Process all cars with the given function f:
func (cs Cars) Process(f func(car *Car)) {
  for _, c := range cs {
  1. Building upon this, make Find-functions to obtain subsets, and call Process() with a closure (so it knows the local slice cars):
// Find all cars matching given criteria.
func (cs Cars) FindAll(f func(car *Car) bool) Cars {
  cars := make([]*Car, 0)
  cs.Process(func(c *Car) {
    if f(c) {
  return cars
  1. And make a Map-functionality producing something out of every car object:
// Process cars and create new data.
func (cs Cars) Map(f func(car *Car) Any) []Any {
  result := make([]Any, 0)
  ix := 0
  cs.Process(func(c *Car) {
    result[ix] = f(c)
  return result

Now, we can define concrete queries like:

allNewBMWs := allCars.FindAll(func(car *Car) bool {
  return (car.Manufacturer == "BMW") && (car.BuildYear > 2010)
  1. We can also return functions based on arguments. Maybe we would like to append cars to collections based on the manufacturers, but those may be varying. So, we define a function to create a special append function as well as a map of collections:
func MakeGroupedAppender(manufacturers []string) (func(car *Car), map[string]Cars) {
  // Prepare maps for grouping the cars.
  groupedCars := make(map[string]Cars)
  for _, m := range manufacturers {
    groupedCars[m] = make([]*Car, 0)

  groupedCars["Default"] = make([]*Car, 0)

  // Prepare appender function:
  appender := func(c *Car) {
    if _, ok := groupedCars[c.Manufacturer]; ok {
      groupedCars[c.Manufacturer] = append(groupedCars[c.Manufacturer], c)
    } else {
      groupedCars["Default"] = append(groupedCars["Default"], c)
  return appender, groupedCars

We now can use it to sort our cars into individual collections, like in:

manufacturers := []string{"Ford", "Aston Martin", "Land Rover", "BMW", "Jaguar"}
groupedAppender, sortedCars := MakeGroupedAppender(manufacturers)
BMWCount := len(groupedCars["BMW"])

Now that you are familiar with a lot of concepts related to interfaces, the next lesson brings you a challenge to solve.

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