

Reading Arguments from the Command-Line

Reading Arguments from the Command-Line

This lesson explains two packages of Go that let us read arguments from the command line.

With the os package

The package os also has a variable os.Args of type slice of strings that can be used for elementary command-line argument processing, which is reading arguments that are given on the command-line when the program is started. Look at the following greetings-program:

package main
import (

func main() {
  who := "Alice "
  if len(os.Args) > 1 {
    who += strings.Join(os.Args[1:], " ")
  fmt.Println("Good Morning", who)

When we run this program, the output is: Good Morning Alice. The same output we get when we run it on the command-line as:

go run main.go

But, when we give arguments on the command-line like:

go run main.go John Bill Marc Luke

we get Good Morning Alice John Bill Marc Luke as an output.

When there is at least one command-line argument, the slice os.Args[] takes in the arguments (separated by a space), starting from index 1 since os.Args[0] contains the name of the program, os_args ...