Solution Review: Implement Stack Data Structure

This lesson discusses the solution to the challenge given in the previous lesson.

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package main
import (
type Stack struct {
ix int // first free position, so data[ix] == 0
data [LIMIT]int
func (st *Stack) Push(n int) {
if st.ix == LIMIT {
return // stack is full!
}[st.ix] = n
st.ix++ // increment total no. of elements present
func (st *Stack) Pop() int {
if st.ix >0{ // if stack not empty
st.ix-- // decrease amount of elements present
element :=[st.ix][st.ix] = 0
return element
return -1 // if stack already empty
func (st Stack) String() string {
str := ""
for ix := 0; ix < st.ix; ix++ {
str += "[" + strconv.Itoa(ix) + ":" + strconv.Itoa([ix]) + "]"
return str
func main() {
st1 := new(Stack)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", st1)
st1.Push(3) // function call to Push
fmt.Printf("%v\n", st1)
st1.Push(7) // function call to Push
fmt.Printf("%v\n", st1)
st1.Push(10) // function call to Push
fmt.Printf("%v\n", st1)
st1.Push(99) // function call to Push
fmt.Printf("%v\n", st1)
p := st1.Pop() // function call to Pop
fmt.Printf("Popped %d\n", p)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", st1)
p = st1.Pop() // function call to Pop
fmt.Printf("Popped %d\n", p)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", st1)
p = st1.Pop() // function call to Pop
fmt.Printf("Popped %d\n", p)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", st1)
p = st1.Pop() // function call to Pop
fmt.Printf("Popped %d\n", p)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", st1)

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