

Solution Review: Season of a Month

Solution Review: Season of a Month

This lesson discusses the solution to the challenge given in the previous lesson.

There are two methods to solve this problem:

  • One is using the switch-case construct, which is the requirement of the problem statement
  • The other is using the if-else construct.

We’ll first discuss the switch-case solution.

Using switch-case construct

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package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Printf(Season(3)) // calling function to find the season
func Season(month int) string {
switch month { // switch on the basis of value of the months(1-12)
case 12,1,2: return "Winter" // Jan, Feb and Dec have winter
case 3,4,5: return "Spring" // March, Apr and May have spring
case 6,7,8: return "Summer" // June, July and Aug have summer
case 9,10,11: return "Autumn" // Sept, Oct and Nov have autumn
default: return "Season unknown" //value outside [1,12], then season is unkown

As you can see, we declare a function Season at line 9, which takes an integer value that represents a month as an input parameter. That parameter is the value of month. As per requirement, we add switch month to switch on the basis of the value of ...