

Solution Review: Filter Even and Odd Numbers

Solution Review: Filter Even and Odd Numbers

This lesson discusses the solution to the challenge given in the previous lesson.

We'll cover the following...
Press + to interact
package main
import "fmt"
type flt func(int) bool // aliasing type
func isEven(n int) bool { // check if n is even or not
if n % 2 == 0 {
return true
return false
func filter(sl[] int, f flt)(yes, no[] int) { // split s into two slices: even and odd
for _, val := range sl {
if f(val) {
yes = append(yes, val)
} else {
no = append(no, val)
func main() {
slice := [] int {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7}
fmt.Println("slice = ", slice)
even,odd := filter(slice, isEven)
fmt.Println("The even elements of slice are: ", even)
fmt.Println("The odd elements of slice are: ", odd)

The program above has one basic function. The function isEven ...