Solution Review: Advancing the Simple Interface
This lesson discusses the solution to the challenge given in the previous lesson.
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package mainimport ("fmt")type Simpler interface { // interface declaring Simple methodsGet() intSet(int)}type Simple struct {i int}func (p *Simple) Get() int {return p.i}func (p *Simple) Set(u int) {p.i = u}type RSimple struct {i intj int}func (p *RSimple) Get() int {return p.j}func (p *RSimple) Set(u int) {p.j = u}func fI(it Simpler) int { // switch cases to judge whether it's Simple or RSimpleswitch it.(type) {case *Simple:it.Set(5)return it.Get()case *RSimple:it.Set(50)return it.Get()default:return 99}return 0}func main() {var s Simplefmt.Println(fI(&s)) // &s is required because Get() is defined with the type pointer as receivervar r RSimplefmt.Println(fI(&r))}
As we stated in the discussion of the ...