HomeCoursesIntroduction to Logic: Basics of Mathematical Reasoning



Introduction to Logic: Basics of Mathematical Reasoning
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Gain insights into formal logic, propositional logic, and first-order logic. Learn about inference rules and master constructing rigorous proofs, enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
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Course Overview

Formal logic provides a systematic and rigorous framework for expressing and analyzing arguments, which enables learners to evaluate the validity of reasoning, fostering critical thinking skills. Proficiency in constructing and understanding proofs enhances problem-solving abilities, encourages precision in thought, and promotes clarity in communication. In this course, you’ll explore propositions and logical connectives in propositional logic. Next, you’ll cover first-order logic, which extends the scope ...Show More
Formal logic provides a systematic and rigorous framework for expressing and analyzing arguments, which enables learners to eval...Show More


An understanding of propositional logic
An understanding of first-order logic
An understanding of deductive logic
Familiarity with the structure of mathematical proofs
An understanding of propositional logic

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with the essentials of mathematical logic to enhance reasoning and decision-making.


Propositional Logic

3 Lessons

Unpack the core of propositions, logical equivalence, and propositional calculus in mathematical reasoning.


Propositional Toolkit

4 Lessons

Break down complex ideas in logical identities, tautologies, contradictory propositions, and fundamental logical operations.


Quantifiers and First Order Logic

5 Lessons

Investigate the use of predicates, quantifiers, variables, and negation in logical reasoning.


Quantified Logical Reasoning

4 Lessons

Master the steps to nested quantifiers, negation, logical equivalence, and inference rules in reasoning.


Proving Theorems

5 Lessons

Break down the methods of proving theorems and strategies to avoid common proof errors.



1 Lessons

Discover the logic behind propositional and first-order logic, enhancing your reasoning skills.
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